
Archive for December, 2010

The wisdom teeth are all out. They gave them to me in a little jar after the surgery which I thought was weird (they are in the bin now). The surgery went well, better than the surgeon expected apparently, but the aftermath was a bit brutal. I burned through the pain killers they gave me pretty quickly and was thankful that we still had a few strong ones left in the house from previous prescriptions.

I had my follow up appointment with the surgeon yesterday and he admitted to being “very surprised” at how well I’m healing after only 12 days. I guess the no smoking, no alcohol 90% of meals being vegetarian does make a difference to healing time even if you are 37 and overweight.

I’ve been doing some crafting, some Christmas gifts, so you will only get to see them after the recipients have opened them.

My latest craze is making these.

I have adorned all the presents I’ve wrapped so far with these little flowers.

Some spinning (no surprise there).

This is 50% superwash merino and 50% tencel. It was a glorious spin.

My take-along socks are finished.

Handspun superwash merino.

And last, but not least I’ve finished this:

I’m quietly pleased with how this has turned out. 🙂

My Mum arrives on Christmas Eve from Australia. It will be nice to have Christmas with her, the last Christmas we had together was in 2005 and the last time I saw her was 18 months ago when Gorgeous Man and I took Gorgeous Girl on her first visit to Australia.

If I don’t get to post before Christmas I hope those that celebrate have a wonderful day with those they love and those who love them.


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